
MP bolagen have a long-term strategy to invest surplus liquidity in securities. The aim is to provide the company with financial strength as well as returns for the continued growth and development of the group.

For more than 40 years, MP bolagen have actively managed a portion of the company's assets in a stock portfolio. Over time, the portfolio has been dominated by a shareholding in Stora Kopparberg, which merged with Enso Oyj in 1998 to form Stora Enso. Total ownership is 0.7% of the shares and 2.1% of the votes in Stora Enso.

Stora Enso

Stora Enso is a Finnish and Swedish forest industry group with operations in five continents. The company primarily operates in the areas of packaging, biomass products, wood constructions, and paper.

For over 40 years, MP bolagen have actively managed a stock portfolio that has been predominantly represented by a shareholding in Stora Enso.

The ownership stake constitutes 0.7% of the capital and 2.1% of the voting rights in the company.

Overall, the market value of the MP bolagens' holdings in securities amounts to approximately 1,400 million SEK.

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